Young Poles want to study abroad: plenty of exciting opportunities available

Nearly two thousand participants attended the National Information Day, where they discussed learning beyond traditional classrooms, including opportunities offered by programs like Erasmus+.

In 2025, more than one billion Polish zloty (approximately 230 million EUR) will be designated for educational projects in Poland from EU funds.libellule789/
Interested individuals can choose from over 30 educational programs that offer students, teachers, and learners the opportunity to travel abroad to acquire new skills.
Joanna Mucha, the Deputy Minister of Education, emphasized that student and youth exchanges are key tools for promoting cooperation and mutual understanding across Europe.
Mirosław Marczewski, Director of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), added that these programs are available at all educational levels, with participation dependent on the desire for growth and international collaboration.
In 2025, over one billion Polish zloty (approximately 230 million EUR) will be allocated to educational projects in Poland from EU funds.
Source: IAR/FRSE
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