Tragic Christmas Eve in Poland: two boys die from carbon monoxide poisoning

On Tuesday, Polish firefighters conducted 871 interventions, including 224 related to fires, which resulted in two fatalities and five injuries, as confirmed by the State Fire Service.

During the operation at the site of the tragic carbon monoxide poisoning in Kutno on December 24, 2024, two boys, aged 9 and 12, were found dead. The remaining victims, including two adults and an infant, were transported to hospitals.PAP/KP PSP Kutno
The most work was carried out by services in the Mazovian region in central Poland, as well as in Silesia in the south and Lower Silesia in the southwest.
In the village of Granica in Mazovia, two people died in a holiday cottage fire. On the same day, 24 interventions related to carbon monoxide were recorded, resulting in three deaths, including two boys aged 9 and 12 in Kutno (in central Poland) and a 37-year-old woman in Koszalin, in the northwest.
There were 30 traffic accidents across the country, resulting in three deaths, 31 injuries, and 174 drivers arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Firefighters are urging people to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and to regularly check heating installations. They also remind that approximately 500 people die each year in Poland due to fires.
Source: IAR/PSP
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Radio Poland