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Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest / Iris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine

Second 2022 edition of An Phoblacht out now

The second issue of An Phoblacht for 2022 is on sale now!

In this issue;

– Editor Robbie Smyth sits down with Sinn Féin Leas Uachtaráin and First Minister Designate Michelle O’Neill MLA to discuss being First Minister, a record breaking election for Sinn Féin, meeting Boris Johnston and more. 

– Jim Gibney, Naoise Ó Cuilín and Emma McArdle give a deep analysis into the recent historic Assembly election results.

– Dream Dearg protest in Belfast attracts over 17,000 attendees.

– Claire Kerrane TD writes on the Government’s failures to tackle the spiraling Cost of Living crisis

Get your radical news today, order your copy of An Phoblacht here:

Iwant to buy An Phoblacht

Time for Change Public Meeting

Sinn Féin held a very successful public meeting themed 'Time for Change’ in Liberty Hall in Dublin this week.

You can watch a short clip of Mary Lou speaking just before going on stage here: https://fb.watch/dGMX8vkCN0/

President absolutely right to call out housing disaster

Speaking in the Dáil this week Pearse Doherty said President Michael D Higgins was absolutely right to call out the housing disaster as the great failure of successive governments. Rather than attacking him, the Gov’t should listen.

He said the Government has been the best boy in the class for rolling out the red carpet for vulture funds and international investors instead of building affordable homes for workers and families. It’s time for change.

Watch Pearse here: https://fb.watch/dGI_IdsSmY/

Government must introduce an emergency budget to protect struggling households

Mary Lou McDonald has said the Government’s refusal to introduce and emergency budget, in the midst of the biggest squeeze on household income in a decade, is inexcusable.

Watch Mary Lou here: https://fb.watch/dGJZM-trFm/

O’Neill calls on DUP to stop blocking executive formation

Michelle O’Neill this week called on the DUP to stop blocking the formation of an executive at Stormont and to join with Sinn Féin and others to help workers and families with the rising cost of living.

Watch Michelle here: https://fb.watch/dGIIxbi_QY/

Brandon Lewis is talking through his hat

Speaking on Sky News this week Mary Lou McDonald has said that British Secretary of State Brandon Lewis is talking through his hat when he said the British Legislation will not breach International Law.

She said the Protocol is working, the people went to the polls last month and voted to return a majority of members who support the Protocol and the reckless Tories bill is an undoubtable breach of international law.

Watch Mary Lou here: https://fb.watch/dGMjrzQ1c2/

Government votes down Sinn Féin motion calling for school places for children with special educational needs

Sinn Féin used its Private Members’ Time in the Dáil this week to move a motion calling for emergency measures to ensure all children have an appropriate school place for September.

Education spokesperson Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire said the Government cannot continue to fail children with special educational needs. Sinn Féin will stand up for children with special educational needs and their families, and ensure that every child has access to education, as is their right.

Unfortunately the Government voted down the Sinn Féin motion.

Watch Donnchadh here: https://fb.watch/dGMEluGzhG/

Annual Wolfetone Commemoration

First Minister Designate Michelle O’Neill has been announced as the main speaker at the annual Wolfe Tone Commemoration at Bodenstown which will take place on Sunday 19th of June, assembling at 2:30pm in Sallins.

This is the first time in three years that republicans have been able to gather to remember the founding father of Irish Republicanism and all areas are asked to begin making plans to mobilise for this year’s commemoration.

Comóradh Bliantúil Wolfe Tone

Fógraíodh Michelle O’Neill, atá le bheith ina céad-Aire, mar phríomhchainteoir ag comóradh bliantúil Wolfe Tone ag Baile Bhuadain Dé Domhnaigh 19 Meitheamh, agus daoine ag teacht le chéile ag 2:30pm sna Solláin.

Seo an chéad uair le trí bliana a d’éirigh le poblachtánaigh teacht le chéile chun cuimhne a chur ar bhunaitheoir an Phoblachtachais Éireannaigh agus iarrtar ar gach ceantar tosú ar phleananna a dhéanamh chun teacht le chéile do chomóradh na bliana seo.

Ógra Shinn Féin launch new 25th anniversary range

Ógra Shinn Féin has launched a new 25th anniversary range on bourkesports.com/collections/osf25 

They have also released a new special 25th anniversary Jersey which you can view here: https://bourkesports.com/collections/osf25/products/osf25jersey

The password for the site is Ogra1997

Seolann Ógra Shinn Féin raon nua comóradh 25 bliain

Sheol Ógra Shinn Féin raon nua comóradh 25 bliain bourkesports.com/collections/osf25 

Tá Geirsí speisialta nua 25 bliain eisithe acu freisin agus is féidir leat amharc air anseo: https://bourkesports.com/collections/osf25/products/osf25jersey

Is é Ogra1997 pasfhocal an tsuímh.

Badanie zębów sprz
Jan A. Kowalski: TOW