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Public consultation on the review of the occupations lists for employment permits


The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment invites submissions from representative bodies, government departments, agencies, and other interested parties to a public consultation to review the eligibility of occupations appearing on the Critical Skills Occupations List and the Ineligible Occupations List for employment permits.

You are invited to make a submission with your observations if you feel that there are skills/labour shortages or surpluses in relation to occupations in your sector, the impact of which is adversely affecting your industry.

You should include in your submission any relevant actors that you consider are impacting on your sector so that consideration can be given to making adjustments to the lists, for example, data on the skills or labour shortages, information on recruitment efforts undertaken, retention difficulties, relevant training incentives, impact on business, expansion plans etc., and any other evidence or data such as industry surveys or reports and views within your sector.

Submission form

Submissions will only be accepted using the form attached below.

Key dates

Submissions open: Monday, 26 June 2023

Submissions close: 5pm, Friday, 18 August 2023

Enquiries and submission

All enquiries and submissions should be directed to


Ireland operates a managed employment permits system maximising the benefits of economic migration and minimising the risk of disrupting Ireland’s labour market. The system is intended to act as a conduit for key skills which are required to develop enterprise in the State for the benefit of our economy, while simultaneously protecting the balance of the labour market.

The system is, by design, vacancy led and driven by the changing needs of the labour market, expanding and contracting in tandem with its inherent fluctuations. In order to ensure that the employment permits schemes are responsive to changes in economic circumstances and labour market conditions, the system is managed through the operation of the Critical Skills Occupations List and the Ineligible Occupations List for the purpose of granting an employment permit.

Publication of submissions and Freedom of Information

Any personal information, which you volunteer to this department, will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. However, please note the following:


Consultation Submission Form – Review of Occupations Lists for Employment Permits 2023 »

Departament Przedsiębiorczości, Handlu i Zatrudnienia

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

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