Presidential Council starts work on infertility treatment financing bill

On Tuesday, January 9, the Presidential Council for Health Protection will begin work on a bill concerning infertility treatment financing.

Prezydent Duda podpisał nowelizację ustawy o finansowaniu in vitro ze środków publicznych.PAP/Paweł Supernak
President Andrzej Duda signed the proposed legislation into effect after it was voted through by parliament. Under the new rules, the Polish government will spend at least PLN 500 million (EUR 115 million, USD 125 million) a year on combating infertility, including through IVF, officials have told reporters.
Back in December 2023, Health Minister, Izabela Leszczyna, announced that the program would be ready in the spring to ensure it would be launched on June 1, as pledged by Prime Minister, Donald Tusk.
„In the near future the Health Protection Council will collect information on methods that may be proposed as infertility treatment methods and then be included in the draft bill,” announced the deputy head of the Chancellery of the President, Piotr Ćwik.
The Chairman of the Council, Piotr Czauderna, has announced that President Andrzej Duda is considering financing potentially effective, yet currently unreimbursed medical procedures for infertility diagnosis and treatment from public funds. This decision is being taken in light of the large demographic challenge faced by Poland, as well as the differing opinions of the Polish population. This would be an alternative for people who cannot or do not want to use the in vitro method.
Piotr Czauderna announced that the Health Protection Council at its Tuesday meeting will initially identify infertility treatment methods that could be financed from public funds in Poland.