Polish Olympians honoured by the President during Friday’s gala

Polish President Andrzej Duda, took part in the celebratory Paris 2024 Olympic Gala, held on Friday night in Warsaw, which summarised the Polish Olympic Team’s achievements in the French capital during the XXXIII Summer Games.

Polish Olympians receiving the awards at Friday’s galaDanuta Isler / Radio Poland
„For me, this is an opportunity to personally thank you all, the entire Olympic Family, all those who co-create Polish sport, all those who for many years brought us the most positive emotions, thrills and pride. From my presidential point of view, what is important is that they promoted the Republic of Poland in international sports arenas. I thank you with all my heart”
– President Duda said in his speech.
The Olympic Gala is one of the main events – organised by the Polish Olympic Committee and held after each Olympic Games. Its purpose is to award the medalists of this event and to recall the successes achieved. The gala is attended by the medalists, their coaches, sponsors and partners of the Polish Olympic Team, as well as invited guests – members of the Polish Olympic Family.
Due to the 100th anniversary of Poland’s first Olympic, in recognition of the merits and exceptional significance of the country’s athletes’ performances at the games, the year 2024 was announced by the Lower House of Polish Parliament as the Year of Polish Olympians.
Source: Prezydent.pl
Radio Poland
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