Poland’s military gendarmerie to help patrol Belarusian border

Poland’s military gendarmerie units are to assist the country’s army in patrolling the Belarusian border, Polish Radio’s IAR news agency has reported.

Residents of Warsaw honour the soldier murdered on the Polish Belarusian borderPhoto: PAP/Marcin Obara
Joint patrols are to be launched over the next few days, after head of the gendarmerie suggested the solution to Poland’s Defence Minister Władysław Kosiniak Kamysz, following the death of a soldier stabbed while defending the border.
Poland’s Foreign Minister, Radosław Sikorski, has issued a firm demand for Belarusian authorities to identify and extradite the individual responsible for the murder.
He further noted that an investigation is ongoing and urged Belarus to cooperate fully. “We demand that the Belarusian authorities identify the murderer and hand him over to the Polish authorities as part of the investigation already conducted by our Ministry of Justice,” he stated.
In response to the incident, a formal protest note was delivered to the Belarusian chargé d’affaires at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs later on Thursday.
A soldier of Poland’s 1st Armoured Brigade was stabbed by migrants trying to cross a fence on the Polish-Belarusian border at the end of last month. The military said the serviceman, named only as Mateusz, died in hospital on Thursday.
Source: IAR, PAP