Poland seeks Ireland’s support for eastern border and air defense funding, says PM

Poland is seeking Ireland’s backing for co-financing the protection of its eastern border and airspace, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said after talks with Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris.

Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk (R) and Prime Minister of Ireland Simon Harris (L).PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
The two leaders met in the Polish southern city of Rzeszów on Thursday.
During a joint press conference, Tusk emphasized the importance of European collaboration in building a modern air defense system.
„In Poland, we are already dealing with incidents in our airspace, which should be enough for all of Europe to seriously consider the Polish-Greek initiative for a joint European plan to construct an air defense shield over Europe,” the Polish prime minister said.
He also confirmed that Poland is vying for the budget portfolio in the next European Commission, expressing optimism about the country’s chances. „We are on the right track here,” Tusk said, adding that securing this position would enable Poland to better advocate for its security needs.
Source: PAP