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Ludzi nie stać na te podwyżki w środku kryzysu związanego z kosztami życia, mówi w najnowszym wydaniu magazynu Podsumowanie Tygodnia Sinn Féin Pearse Doherty.

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest

National Draw 2023

Tickets for the 2023 Sinn Féin National Draw are now on sale.  This is the last National Draw before next year’s crucial local and European elections in the 26 Counties and potential general elections both North and South.

We need your support to succeed in our work. Please support the National Draw so that we can build the party, campaign for Irish unity and deliver the change that is within our grasp.

Get your National Draw ticket here:

I want to buy a National Draw Ticket

Latest Edition of An Phoblacht out now!

The latest issue of An Phoblacht for 2023 is on sale now!

In this issue; 

  • Mary Lou McDonald writes exclusively for An Phoblacht on the road ahead.
  • We have Michelle O’Neill at the national hunger strike commemoration.

·      Roy Greenslade tackles spying on journalists

·      Mairead Farrell, Aoife Finnegan, Paul Donnelly and Niamh Archibald on constituency issues.

·      We have reports from the recent people’s assemblies in Dublin and Belfast.

·      We mark the 50th and 40th anniversaries of key prison escapes with an extensive overview of republican jail breakouts through the years.

Get your copy here:

I want to buy An Phoblacht

Sign up for the Chieftain’s Walk 2023

If you haven’t already done so the Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation is encouraging you to sign up to take part in this year’s Chieftain’s Walk.

The Walk will take place on Sunday 17th September in Derry at 1pm. Even if you are unable to participate this year you can still support the work of building on Martin’s legacy by signing up for the walk at:


The Foundation is really appreciative of your previous support. 

British Government Legacy Bill 'cynical and cruel’ – Finucane

Sinn Féin MP John Finucane has branded the British Government’s decision to push through the Legacy Bill and ignore opposition from victims 'cynical and cruel’.

He said the British Government’s flawed and irredeemable Legacy Bill has always only been about one thing – closing the door on families ever getting truth and justice.

Read John’s statement here: https://www.sinnfein.ie/contents/66126

Petrol and diesel price hikes should not go ahead

Pearse Doherty has said the planned price hikes for petrol and diesel in October should not go ahead.

People can’t afford these hikes in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

Once again we see, the longer Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are in government the worse things get.

Watch Pearse here: https://fb.watch/mWK_8wn9LP/

Housing crisis impacting on school’s ability to employ teachers

Sorca Clarke has said reports this week of a school’s failure to employ teachers as a result of the housing crisis is a shocking indictment of government housing policy.

She said only a Sinn Féin-led government will stand up for these workers by tackling sky-high rents and runaway house prices.

Watch Sorcha here: https://fb.watch/mWLgaz5JlQ/

Sinn Féin

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Felieton Jana A. Kow