All Out On June 18th For Real Action On Cost Of Living Protest: 1pm Parnell Square Dublin

We are appealing to all members and supporters to get behind the June 18th mobilisation.

Prices are soaring and the official rate of inflation has hit 8.2%. Worse is to come as the lack of fertilisers is hindering food production. Shortages and further price rises are expected.

The Irish government’s strategy is to blame everything on the war in Ukraine and claim that it is our moral duty to make sacrifices.

But the rising prices began BEFORE the war and this ignores the fact that there is massive profiteering. 
The chart below is based on official figures released in the US. Unfortunately, the Irish authorities do not provide similar data but it indicates what is happening around the world. 

Big corporations are pushing up prices to gain extra profits. They are trying to compensate for losses during Covid.

Of course, the war in Ukraine is one factor. But this government is also pushing for ever more sanctions which do nothing to stop Putin. If anything, they allow him to say that the Russian people must rally around him. The sanctions are only hitting working people in Ireland and elsewhere.

The government claims that it cannot interfere in the market. But this is untrue. People Before Profit have advocated clear policies which can reduce prices. We want:

  • Price controls on essential items.
  • Rent controls and cuts in mortgage interest payments. (Ireland has the highest rates in the EU).
  • Stop profiteering. Re-Nationalise the energy sector to provide cheap electricity.
  • Set up a state company to retrofit homes.
  • Increase the minimum wage.

We are appealing to all members and supporters to get behind the June 18th mobilisation.

If you want leaflets or posters, just get in touch with us on

Otherwise please share on social media the posts ABOUT the demonstration:

People Before Profit