A Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant a „real possibility”

The Ukrainian Deputy Minister for Defence Hanna Malar warns that Russia would not be inhibited by moral imperatives from risking a nuclear catastrophe.

Deputy Defence Minister for Ukraine, Hanna Malar. Facebook/Ганна Маляр
Ukraine’s Deputy Minister for Defence Hanna Malar has spoken to the Polish Press Agency (PAP) this week, warning that the „entire free world” should take an interest in the safety of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station (Запорізька атомна електростанція) is located in southeastern Ukraine and is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. The power plant has been under Russian occupation since 2022.
„We cannot count on the hope that Russia would hold back from the most terrible war crimes out of respect for moral standards. These are simply lacking,” she told the agency.
Malar said that the destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure is a top priority for Russia and that concerns for the safety of citizens, even Russian citizens, will take second place.
Source: PAP