40-minute high-speed train ride from Warsaw to Łódź expected by 2030

A high-speed rail line connecting two cities in central Poland is expected to be completed two years before the opening of the Central Communication Port (CPK).

Illustrative phototopcools tee/unsplash.com/CC0
The project is in an advanced construction phase and will be the first rail line developed as part of the CPK project.
Once finished, the line will serve as a testing track for high-speed trains before regular services begin.
The train’s maximum speed will reach 350 km/h, with travel time from Warsaw to CPK taking 20 minutes and from Warsaw to Łódź about 40 minutes.
The total cost of the CPK project by 2032 is estimated at 131.7 billion PLN (€30.82 billion), with 76.8 billion PLN (€17.97 billion) allocated for rail investments.
Source: PAP
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